The Room
Better experienced than explained!


Our purpose for being at THE ROOM is simple and straight forward:


We have come to understand through a collection of individual and shared experiences that seeking and sustaining a healthy love relationship with God and then sharing that with those who don’t or struggle with their own is really what we’ve been placed here to do! Matters not what field of work you’re in, as a disciplined disciple of Christ Jesus, maintaining and modeling a healthy relationship with God is what all believers are suppose to be doing. THE ROOM has been birthed to remind, refocus and reanimate this truth in the hearts and minds of the Body of Christ.



Be our guest at the following worship experiences:



It’s Time to Find the Missing Link…

Have you ever asked yourself these questions?

  • “Why am I here?”
  • “Why do I feel as if something is missing in my life?”
  • “Is there more to life than what I have found?”

worship at the room

At one time or another, we all have asked these questions. You might be struggling with one of them now. Maybe you’ve thought you found the answers you needed . . .but that feeling didn’t last. Relationships and experiences leave you feeling void. Something is missing, but you don’t know what it is or where to find it. Something is not right, but you don’t know how to fix it. The problem is not “what” is missing. The problem is “Who” you are missing! God created you, and He made a place deep inside of you that only He can fill — a God-sized spot just waiting for Him.

The Room wants to help you find the answers you are searching for! If you are looking for a place where you can truly grow in EVERY area of your life, The ROOM is the place for you!


We invite you to join us in our time of prayer and fasting at The Room!  Whether you are new to the discipline or have incorporated it into your faith walk before, it’s always a good time to “level up” your relationship with God! 
Below are some resources to assist you in the journey.

What Our Guests Can Expect

Whether you’ve attended church your entire life or never been at all, we know it’s not easy visiting a church for the first time. You’re not quite sure what to expect and you probably have a lot of questions. At THE ROOM, we want you to have a positive experience you won’t soon forget.

The Worship Experience

Join us for our Worship Experience every Sunday at 10:30 am. Make plans to arrive about 15 minutes early to park and find a seat.   You can expect dynamic praise and worship, a relevant Word from God and the fellowship of a diverse congregation of people who recognize they are not perfect but are striving to become more like Christ each day.

What should I wear?

We believe Jesus is not coming back for your clothes, so you can wear whatever you want!  We welcome suits, skirts, jeans, t-shirts, ties, jerseys…you get the idea. Come as you are.  Even in our more casual environment, we do ask that you dress modestly and respectfully.

What happens when I get there?

As you approach The Room, you will see our Front Line Ministry assisting you in the parking lot and pointing the way inside. Once inside, you’ll find our Ushers and Greeters who are available to answer any questions you may have. While you wait, feel free to enjoy the music and read about upcoming events up on the screens or in your bulletin.

What’s worship like?

First of all, worship at THE ROOM is simple and engaging. No fluff, no fillers, no tricks, no games. Expect to have a meaningful, stress-free experience with some fun and laughter sprinkled here and there. We are led by Holy Spirit in all that we do.  The Worship Experience is subject to change at His leading, however, typically, Sunday morning worship is about 90 minutes. 

Kingdom Kids RoomWhat about my children?

On Sunday Mornings, children ages 3 to 12–are invited to join us in a fun, interactive environment where our Kingdom Kids children’s ministry team of loving volunteers creates a fun, safe, and caring environment for all children. The biblical instruction and social connections in each class will have your child wanting to come back every week!

Any other questions?

Was there something we forgot? Feel free to email us at if you need more information. Hope to see you at THE ROOM real soon!
Life Groups

Our Pastor and First Lady

Pastor J and Lady AlPastor J, as he is affectionately called, is the Chief Servant at The Room. As the primary teaching pastor at The Room, Pastor J. has a knack for carefully unpacking the truths of Scripture. He is passionate about seeing the Word of God and a Kingdom mindset actively lived out in people’s lives. He has ministered extensively throughout North America and abroad including London, England and the island of Trinidad. Pastor J. is also the author of “Clearing the Cloud of Compromise” where he exposes the subtle tactics satan uses to dilute God’s directives for our lives. Pastor J. and his wife, First Lady Al., have a heart for leadership development and coaching healthy and strong marriage relationships.
First Lady Almeta Radford (Lady Al.) cheerfully serves in ministry alongside her husband. She acts as the Church Administrator, leader of “Just Women” Ministries and serves as Worship Leader on the URCC Praise Team. Lady Radford has been blessed with the gift of intercession and believes prayer is vital to an intimate relationship with God. She also has a heart for Kingdom marriages and enjoys partnering with her husband as they seek to enrich marriages through counseling,  conferences, and couples-centered events.


We are instructed through Malachi 3:10 to “Bring all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be food in My house. And try Me now in this,” says the Lord of hosts, “If I will not open for you the windows of heaven and pour out for you such blessing that there will not be room enough to receive it.” Giving is an act of worship to God. Ultimately, we believe giving should be an act of worship and thankfulness, – an act of obedience and faith. We understand the reality that when you give to The Room, you are trusting us to steward those gifts well, and we commit to you that we are doing just that. As you give, we believe God will bless your obedience in putting Him first.

Text to give
Donate by text from your mobile device. Text the word “give ” to  703-884-8722.

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